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Isbn 10: 1582460035

Isbn 13: 978-1582460031

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Kitap açıklaması

When the frogs suddenly vanish from a village on the Northwest Coast, a nearby volcano awakens and a brave young girl is called on a dangerous adventure. In the underwater world of the Frog people, the girl is questioned by a very old woman about the disappearance of her children. What will happen if her children are not returned?Reviews"A suspenseful, original tale. Lewis'¬?s precise, distinctive brushwork echoes the highly stylized Native American totems and masks, and his use of color is arresting." -Publishers Weekly

yazar :Tricycle Press
Isbn 10 :1582460035
Isbn 13 :978-1582460031
yayınevi :Tricycle Press
dil :İngilizce
Tarafından gönderildi Frog Girl:1 Ekim 1998